Archive for August, 2012

Girl Of Many Talents (or: Multitask Pop-up Card)

Sharon, my good friend, is a very talented woman. She’s a brilliant academic, a graceful dancer, a gifted cook… the list goes on and on! This year, on top of the many things she does for fun and leisure, she was up-to-her-neck busy writing her Ph.D, working at the University and treating patients.
For her birthday, my friends and I decided to let her know how proud we are of her for juggling so many things and not (completely) loosing her mind…
This Multitask pop up card is slightly influenced by the image of the Hindu god (Deity) Parvati, with her many arms. Sharon is the fair lady in the center of the card, each of her arms represents one of her talents and occupations. I picked just a few examples to make a point, yet you can see – she’s one busy girl!

I kept the outside of the card clean and simple.

After realizing that there’s no way our many wishes for her will fit in the card, I printed it as a letter and added a small pocket for it on the face of the card.

Have a wonderful week!

Elevated Envelope Project

First of all – a proud announcement – this is the 100th post here at the Little Green Box! I’m far for being the most dedicated blogger (though I should be), yet, I’m quite happy and proud of getting this far and wanting more! Thank you all so much for the support in your comments and e-mails, I’ve learned a lot about the blogging world and about myself – all thanks to you.

This week I want to present a most amazing project I took part in – The Elevated Envelope. You can read all about it here, at the Ephemera blog, by Tara Bliven.
Basically, it means you receive a list of creative people from around the world, and you mail them. REAL mail, with stamps and all ;). The main focus is actually the envelope itself, not the contents. You can make anything at all, and basically “bring it”, getting your creative juices going. You’ll be receiving envelopes from the rest of the people in your group, that way you all get to exchange artsy gifts, on a small scale.
In my list I had some new pen-pals from the US, Canada, Greece, Japan, Germany and the UK. I can’t tell you how exciting it is to open the mailbox and find a hand-painted envelope inside, addressed to you!

After much thought I decided to illustrate my envelopes. I haven’t been drawing for a long time now, it seemed like a wonderful excuse :).
The topic we all got as an inspiration for the summer exchange was the word “Sweet”. The first thing that came to my mind was “summer popsicles”. Israel is SOOOO sticky and steamy this time of year, so what’s more appropriate than a cool popsicle?
This was a chance for me to give my pen-pals a tiny peek of Israel, so for each envelope I chose a different location around the city of Tel Aviv, and illustrated a scene showing someone eating a dripping popsicle. Inside the envelopes I placed small notes on which I wrote a few words about that specific location and added a little gift from me – a popsicle-themed paper bookmark.

Here’s a look at the illustrations, before I folded them into envelopes:

And here they all are, addressed and ready to be sent:

These are the orange cards I made for writing the descriptions of the chosen locations, and the cute popsicle bookmarks.

Have a great week!


My Name is ShirA. This is my personal blog, where I share my love for paper craft, hand made creations and all things beautiful.

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